Showing posts with label ai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ai. Show all posts

Deep Fake Scams On The Rise. Preparing Your Loved Ones

This was inspired by the following news article:

"Frightening new scam uses A.I. to convince loved ones are being held at gunpoint" 

CNY Central: Frightening New Scam Uses A.I.

“Deep Fakes” are a type of scam that use artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLM) to create fake videos, images, or audio recordings that appear to be real. These scams can be used to manipulate people into believing something that isn’t true, such as a friend or loved one being held for ransom. Abhorrent thought i know. The technology behind “Deep Fakes” is constantly evolving and improving, which makes it increasingly difficult to distinguish between real and fake content. Scammers can use this technology to create convincing fake content that can be used to spread misinformation, steal personal information, or even extort money from unsuspecting victims.

It’s important to be aware of the risks associated with “Deep Fakes” and to take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones. Some ways to stay safe include being cautious about what you share online, verifying the authenticity of any content before sharing it, and using reputable sources for news and information. Additionally, if you or your loved ones plan to travel abroad or to areas that are known to have organized criminals operating, it might be a good idea to develop “safe words” or “safe phrases” in advance of the trip. These can be as simple as mentioning “hay fever” and should be low-key but stand out to whomever is receiving the message. They can be used to determine the authenticity of a call, video, or other communication.

I hope this helps you and the ones you love. 
